Services Apr 2022
Church Services For April
3rd April |
10.30am |
Toot Baldon |
Holy Communion (followed by APCM) |
19th April |
10.30am |
Toot Baldon to Marsh Baldon |
Palm Sunday Walk or Drive |
Holy Week Services |
Monday 11th April |
8.00pm |
Warborough |
Compline |
Tuesday 12th April |
8.00pm |
Little Wittenham |
Compline |
Wednesday 13th April |
9.30am |
Berinsfield |
Service of Reconciliation |
8.00pm |
Dorchester |
Compline |
Maundy Thursday 14th April |
7.00pm |
Dorchester |
Agape Meal followed by Stripping of the Altars |
Good Friday 15th April |
10.00am |
Dorchester |
All Age Team Worship |
12 - 3pm |
Dorchester |
Three Hour Devotion |
Easter Eve 16th April |
8.00pm |
Dorchester |
Service of Fire, Light and Joy in the Cloister Garden Join us for food from 7.30pm |
Easter Sunday 17th April |
9.30am |
Marsh Baldon |
Holy Communion |
24th April |
10.30am |
Drayton St Leonard |
Team Service |
Easter Lilies
In past years we have decorated the churches for Easter with lilies in memory of loved ones who have died.
We think it would be lovely to do this again this year,
so if you would like to buy a lily in memory of someone, please let us know. £5.00 a stem
Veronica – 343367 or
If you are able to help with decorating the churches for Easter, please contact Veronica for Marsh (343367) or Jane Brook for Toot (343457).