From The Vicar April 2019
From Revd Jennifer Morton
I was given a tree for the garden at Christmas and I am excited to see that what appeared to be dead is now just beginning to show life. Nature’s cycle of death, rest and growth is a recurring miracle. This hope of spring makes it one of my favourite times of the year although the constant March winds we are experiencing as I write this are dampening my enthusiasm. However, the days are getting longer and by the time you read this we will be into Summer Time, my trees will have their fresh new leaves and hopefully some blossom as well.
The seasons of the church year ebb and flow much as our natural seasons do and with Easter so late this year April reflects this more than usual. The beginning of the month sees us still in Lent, which is a quiet time for us to reflect on our own pilgrimages of faith. Then we remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and follow the events of Holy Week that culminate on Good Friday, that darkest of days, in Jesus’ death on the Cross. How full of grief those closest of his friends must have felt. All their hopes that he is the promised Saviour of the world seemed to have been dashed.
With the knowledge of what happened three days later when early on the Sunday morning the tomb is found to be empty, the Church celebrates Jesus Christ risen from the dead. However, from the disciples’ initial reactions, it is clear that it took longer for them to realize what had happened. Jesus appears to them over the following few weeks and eventually they recognise that he is the promised Saviour and become the first witnesses to the world because for Christians Easter Sunday is not the end it is only the beginning.
All our lives have ebb and flow to them. There will be times of wilderness and times of blossoming and celebration however, in the words of William Young Fullerton, we have this to say this about Jesus:
I cannot tell how silently he suffered,
as with his peace he graced this place of tears,
or how his heart upon the cross was broken,
the crown of pain to three and thirty years.
But this I know, he heals the broken hearted,
and stays our sin, and calms our lurking fear,
and lifts the burden of the heavy laden,
for yet the Saviour, Saviour of the world is here.
Sue Booys is Team Rector for the Dorchester Team. Any queries about services, or if you would like to speak to someone about a baptism, wedding, or funeral the person to contact in the first instance is the Administrator in the Dorchester Team Office on 01865 340007. Or, if you prefer, email 01865 340007 is also the number you can ring at any time if you need to contact a clergy person urgently. Baldons Churchwardens: Debbie Dance (341323) and Ian Gillespie (341398). |
Our churches are always open to visit or please join us for any of the services over the Easter period, details of which are opposite and on the back of this newsletter