title="Baldons Parish Council in Oxfordshire">

News  »  Covid Update

   Covid Update    17 September, 2020



See under News for further info. 

Update (17 September 2020): 

Current situation.  As widely predicted we appear to be entering a second wave of covid. Oxford City is now on amber alert. Who knows what the coming weeks and months will bring in terms of further restrictions?  Those in vulnerable categories may already be self-isolating again

Can we help? As mentioned in previous emails, we are still here and willing to help with shopping, prescriptions or anything else.  If you need anything either reply to this email, or contact one of the coordinators whose details are at the bottom of this email.

Can you help?  We would also like to ask for more volunteers.  The more we have on our books the easier it is for everyone.  Volunteering primarily means helping with shopping or picking up prescriptions.  One particular need is the Saturday newspaper round, as this was much appreciated over the summer.

Let us know.

Baldons & Nuneham Community Action Group


Previous Update:

This is a crisis time for the community. A good source of up to date information from the Government is here.

We need to support each other in the Baldons through this unusual period.  

We need to identify those who might need help in the Baldons: people in self isolation because they have or have been exposed to the virus and those in isolation because they may be vulnerable to coronavirus.  

We also need to identify a list of volunteers and how they might help.  The most important skill is a willingness to help and a can do attitude.

To this end, we would like to create a more accurate database of who is in the village, including contact details and age.  We also want to know if you are willing to help and how.  In parallel we are looking into the GDPR aspects of this, but you can be reassured we will not be misusing your data.  If you wish to take part in this exercise, please email: 

More information about the local group is here
Update (24 March 2020) is here
Parish Council update (1 April 2020) is here
An update on Waste arrangements is here
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