The Baldons Parish Council Notice of Casual Vacancy Public notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Councillor Phil Price A vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the Baldons Parish Council. The vacancy will be filled by election if, within fourteen working days of the date of this notice, any ten local government electors for the said parish council submit a written request to the Returning Office, South Oxford District Council, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon OX14 3JE. In computing these fourteen days mentioned above you disregard a Saturday or Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a bank holiday or a day appointed for Public Thanksgiving or Mourning. If no such request is made the vacancy will be filled by co-option by the Parish Council. Dated: 15 January 2025 Signed: Catherine Morgan (Parish Clerk)
The Baldons Neighbourhood Plan Review In accordance with Regulation 14 (a/v) of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Baldons Parish Counicl has conducted a pre submission consultation on The Baldons Neighbourhood Development Plan Review and supporting documents. The consultation closed on 6th December 2024 and the outcomes will be shared in due course. Thank you to all those who participated, the PC places great value on residents' views on the future plans for our village. You can still view the neighbourhood plan and supporting documents here: Baldons Neighbourhood Plan Review
The Website The Baldons Community website is the place to come for information about our parishes. Looking for an interest group or upcoming events? Need to know the times for the Mobile Library or Fireworks Night? You're in the right place Using the Baldons Community website you can stay up to date in the areas that you care about. Just look down the navigation menu on the left to see what is going on in the Baldons. Click on a section to see more. A plus sign means there are sub-sections to go into. The website is supported by the Parish Council. Please contact us if you have questions concerning the parish or the work of the Parish Council, if you have any concerns that you feel the Council should be aware of or where it can help or support you. NB The Parish Council is not responsible for content appearing on this website.
Content and Contacts We rely on local people to help keep content up to date. Ideas and suggestions? Please contact Peter Burke or Michael Bamforth
Latest News Local news: click here. Follow This Link for an Update from Baldons Community Action Group
You can find an archive of newsletters going back to 2014 by clicking here
Noticeboard For notices about local services, eg gardening, DIY, Babysitting, click here And non-dining visitors can join in for £10!
Our New MP Olly Glover was elected as MP for Didcot and Wantage, which now includes our villages, on 4th July. See here for further information about him and here for his latest newsletter.
CPR training Coming soon. Look out for further details.
Christmas Carol Service
Pub Quiz
Next: 21 December
Play area on the Green
20 mph speed limit A 20 mph speed limit has now been introduced for the villages. See here for details.
Parish Council You can access the publicly available documents from the parish council of Marsh and Toot Baldon by clicking this link. Click here to contact the clerk.
New Parish Council A new parish council took up office in May. Click here for details.
Classic Car Show Our first 2 car show happened on 15 August and 19 September, on the Green.
Photos here.
Seven Stars is open for business We are delighted to announce that the Seven Stars is open for business. Namit Julka and Sunit Bansode have taken on the tenancy of our community pub. For further info about the new team here. You can phone the pub on 01865343337. Click here for the pub website As always, if there are any questions, don’t hesitate to raise them with a member of the committee or to
Kevin Hutchinson Kevin died tragically in a road traffic accident on 14th May. His funeral took place on Monday 19th June at St Lawrence Church, Toot Baldon, followed by a private cremation. Lindsey would like to thank everyone for all of their kind messages and support.
A full tribute to Kevin will appear here.
Caddie Attewill My dear wife finally succumbed to her multiple illnesses and died at home, at peace and surrounded by her family, at the end of February. Her final battle, against lung cancer, was over in just over a week. In our grief, I and my family have been greatly supported by the love, care and compassion given to us by so many Baldons folk, which was both humbling and uplifting, and we are deeply grateful. What a village! I am proud and privileged to live here. Laurence
Mary Braybrooke As many of you will know, Mary Braybrooke sadly died on 12 December. There was a memorial service at Dorchester Abbey at 2pm on Monday 27th February, led by the former Bishop of Oxford, John Pritchard. Members of Mary's family and some of her working colleagies spoke very movingly about their many very special memories of her.
Mary became part of this community when her husband Marcus was appointed vicar to the Baldons and Nuneham Courtenay in the early 1990s. Mary, a social worker, was a Child Care Officer, a Kidney Support Officer, pioneering surgery-based social work, as well as a magistrate. She played an integral part in Marcus’ ministry both locally and internationally, as part of the worldwide inter-faith movement, and indeed her work on different faiths’ view of organ transplants won international recognition. I met Mary just as I was heading off to university, when she arrived in the Baldons, and throughout my adult life she was a much loved and inspirational influence in my life. She was an enthusiastic part of village life, whether singing in the church choir, on the stage in the Baldons Players am-dram society, playing in the handbell team or setting up local groups to support those who were house-bound, among many other activities. Although she had retired from the magistracy before I joined, her steadfast faith and her belief in justice inspired me, and she encouraged me in my ambitions to become a magistrate and always wanted to hear how it was all going. Mary and Marcus had retired to Devon in 2021, but visited the Baldons in October, when despite significant frailty, she still took an active part in a Team service at Clifton Hampden and was pleased to see many local friends. I know I will not be alone in missing her wisdom and perspective on the world, and in sending love and prayers to Marcus, Rachel and Jeremy and the whole family. Natasha Eliot
Another Solar Farm Proposal This proposal, if it proceeds, will significantly impact the area. Details here:
New Constituency Boundaries in effect The new boundaries are now confirmed. The Baldons have been relocated to the Wantage constituency, now renamed Didcot and Wantage. You can see further details, here.
Have your say! Consultation on new traffic filters in Oxford. See here for details.
Fireworks Took place on November 5th on the Green. Good turnout, fun was had by all Drone photo courtesy of Joe Cullen
Annual Churches Cycle Ride An annual event in September. Details here
CPRE Trustees Wanted Details here
In the light of the terrible events unfolding in Ukraine, many villagers will be wondering how they can help. Here are some suggestions from the Ukrainian Institute. And the Disasters Emergency Committee is open to donations.
New Solar Farm Proposed At Nineveh Farm - Update July 2022 This is a significant proposal which is likely to impact on the village. See here for details of the proposal, and here for the Parish Council's Response. The proposal has now been approved by SODC. See here for details of the approval and here for the latest update.
Fallow & Fields For details of the new take-away menu see here.
Local Plan Update - December 2020 For latest details of the local plan, click here Challenge to Grenoble Road Expansion and Local Plan
From Our County Councillor Robin Bennett Writes: See here
From Our District Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye Writes: See here
Mole Inn The mole is open for business. Details here.
New Deli in Nuneham! See News Section for details
2021 FarewellsOver the year 2021 the village has said farewell to several longstanding residents. They will be greatly missed. Dr Ron Hewitt died in March. Peter Day died on 19th May Obituary here. Joan Martin - June Beryl Polley - August Peter Delafield - September. More details here The Rev Tony Moore, formerly our parish vicar, also died during the year - see here
Baldons and Nuneham Courtenay Facebook Community Group This Community group has now been set up. It is a closed group. Local people can apply to join by following this link: This is a useful resource for those who want to communicate with neighbours to offer or request help at these difficult times.
Painted Stones Around The Villages
Seen them? More here
Cockadoo Closure Sadly our beloved local pub/restaurant, the Cockadoo at Nuneham Courtenay, has been forced to close. The statement from the management can be read here: The two local pubs in the Baldons, the Seven Stars and the Mole, are very much in business. Details are on the websites:
Baldons waste Collections Details here.
Local Plan There is a revised SODC Local Plan with huge implications for this community and this is now at the Examination Stage, following a recommendation by the Inspector that it be accepted. See here for the latest information.
Gravel Extraction There has been a proposal from Oxford County Council to develop a large gravel extraction site north of Nuneham Courtenay, between the A4074 and the Thames. This has been opposed in the strongest terms by the local community and by the Brahma Kumaris, who will be greatly impacted. The consultation period has ended but it is still no harm to let your views be known.
The current position is that the proposal has been placed on hold as economically unviable. We hope that remains the case.
If you want to write directly to the local government office, please do so, and reference site SG42 in an email to
Or you can do so online at:
Here is a link to the full minerals and waste plan:
The Baldons Neighbourhood Plan The Neighbourhood Plan is important because it will give residents a say on future development in the Baldons. The Parish Council shares the view that people will want to take the opportunity to influence the future of the place where they live or work and that the Plan for the Parish should be written by the Parish rather than by Planning Officers. Please contact us on:
The Baldons Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result
The Baldons neighbourhood plan received an overwhelming majority ‘YES’ vote at referendum on the 4th October 2018. The official results are: Electorate eligible to vote: 320 Votes Cast: 154 or 48.1% Votes Yes: 140 Votes No: 14 Details have been posted on the SODC website
Reports will now go to members of the Cabinet and then Council to formally adopt the plan.
Newsletters Click here to see an archive of parish newsletters
Teenagers for tennis?I would like to guage interest in the idea of a simple youth tennis tournament as a way of the under 18s in the area to meet one another in a fun way.
Baldon Runners
The Runners are out and about, at 8 am on Saturdays.
Click here for details
Defibrillator on the Village Green Now installed. See News, click here.
Grenoble Road and the Green Belt There is still a threat to the Green Belt. Details here
![]() | Wild Oxfordshire - Hedgerow Highways » (17 January) | |
![]() | Healthwatch - can you help? » (17 January) | |
![]() | Bonfire night - thanks » (19 November) | |
![]() | Poppy Appeal 2024 » (19 November) | |
![]() | Our New MP » (14 October) | |
[+ more news...] |
Upcoming Events
Friday 14 February | Valentine's Date Night |
Saturday 15 February | 19:00 - 21:00 - Orchestra of St John?s: Mendelssohn |
Wednesday 19 February | 19:30 - Pub Quiz at the Seven Stars |
Monday 10 March | 19:30 - 21:30 - Parish Council Meeting |
Saturday 15 March | 13:00 - Holi - Festival of Colours |
Sunday 23 March | Daffodil Day |
[+ more village events...] [+ more meetings, minutes & agendas...] |